Amazing jokester Jerry Seinfeld broke his pandemic-year hiatus from standup in New York City on Friday night, pleasing fans with a vigorous set at the re-opening of Gotham Comedy Club in Chelsea.

“It felt like getting shocked positively – positively,” an actually stirred up Seinfeld told journalists thereafter.

“The audience was great, and I was really feeling like: would i be able to in any case do this? You keep thinking about whether you recall. It resembles not playing tennis for a year.

“Thus, when I get up, the audience detonated and I just felt so at home,” he said.

“What’s more, I love this club – I love performing in New York. I would not like to get emotional yet I’m truly eager to assist with bringing it back,” said Seinfeld, who wore his signature jacket and Mets hat.

So, what about ‘those Mets?

Seinfeld said he is “excited a lot” about the Amazin’s this year, as he left to his Mercedes G Wagon on West 23rd Street.

Also, when asked by the media on the off chance that he told any “what’s the arrangement with” jokes to the Chelsea audience, Seinfeld chuckled and said, “No, I wish I had some.”

The 66-year-old Long Island native said being once again at the club was a portion of much required medication.

“Comedy is something other than intriguing and interesting. It like changes your state of mind. It’s one of only a handful few things that truly can change how you feel and give you a smidgen of genuine alleviation.

“At the time of a chuckle you fail to remember each issue you’ve at any point had,” Seinfeld said.

Audience individuals can’t help but concur.

A couple of New York love birds who gave their names as Leyla and Vlad said they appreciated Seinfeld’s jokes Friday night about marriage — and about how the majority of the communication, for better or for more regrettable, is non-verbal.

“It felt like life had returned to typical,” Leyla said of the club resuming. “Comedy is back.”

Seinfeld has advocated the city all through the previous year, even as some escaped Gotham for greener fields.

The previous fall, he wrote a scathing article about New York’s imperativeness after Stand Up NY comedy club co-owner James Altucher announced the city “dead perpetually” because of the COVID-19 emergency.