Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chairperson of Dubai Culture and Arts Authority, has been named the First Arab Lady of the Year by the Arab Women Authority.

The award perceives the job she has played in the resurgence of Dubai’s cultural and creative area and her help for imaginative cultural activities that have advanced the neighborhood and regional cultural landscape.

Mohammed Al Dulaimi, Secretary-General of the Arab Women Authority, said that the Board of Trustees of the Arab Women Authority collectively endorsed the award for Sheikha Latifa in enthusiasm for her contributions to the development of cultural and creative products, her administration in dispatching activities pointed toward fortifying the district’s cultural area and her help for the creative arts, which has enhanced Arab societies by advancing stylish and human qualities.

“We are glad that an Arab lady has dedicated herself to upgrading the height of craftsmanship and culture and featuring the fundamental job this area plays in advancing commitment between the Arab world and different civilisations since forever,” Al Dulaimi said.

“In her ability as the chairperson of the Dubai Culture and Arts Authority and an individual from the Dubai Council, Her Highness Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed is presently driving the execution of a visionary strategy to transform Dubai into a worldwide cultural focus and an energetic center for imaginative and creative movement,” he added.

Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed is as of now driving the execution of a visionary strategy to transform Dubai into a worldwide cultural focus and an energetic center for imaginative and creative movement.

The First Arab Lady Award, dispatched by the Arab League in 2004, is introduced like clockwork to an Arab lady who has made uncommon contributions to helpful and creative development that has progressed Arab societies.

Sheikha Latifa will be respected at a function which will be reported by the Arab Women Authority later.